We need volunteers!St. Thomas of Canterbury church (4827 N. Kenmore) has been selected as a site for this year’s Open House Chicago, the annual free event organized by the Chicago Architecture that takes visitors behind the scenes in great places and spaces across the city. It will be open to the public on Saturday, October 19, from 10am to 5pm. VOLUNTEER
Are you able to greet and welcome visitors, track attendance, be generally available in an around the church to answer questions, and be a gracious host? Then this is your opportunity to shine! Please call Dorothy Julian at 773-561-5343 or Jane McCarthy at 773-334-2555 for more information. El domingo 6 de septiembre, los niños de familias que habían llegado recientemente a Chicago desde Venezuela celebraron sus bautismos y primeras comuniones. En la misa de las 12:30 PM en la iglesia de Santa Ita, el padre Alejandro ayudó a las familias a dar la bienvenida a sus hijos a la iglesia. Después de la misa, hubo una fiesta para los niños con un pastel de celebración. On Sunday, September 6, children from families who have recently arrived to Chicago from Venezuela celebrated their baptisms and first communions. At the 12:30 PM Mass at Saint Ita, Fr. Alejandro helped the families welcome their children into the Church. After Mass, there was a party for the children with a celebratory cake! Last Saturday, October 5, parishioners brought their dogs, cats, birds, and other pets for the traditional pet blessing in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Animals. El sábado pasado, el 5 de octubre, los feligreses trajeron a sus perros, gatos, pájaros y otras mascotas para la tradicional bendición de mascotas en honor a San Francisco de Asís, el Santo Patrón de los Animales. *Photos at St. Gregory courtesy of parishioner Steve Moskalin./*Fotos en la iglesia de San Gregorio cortesía del feligrés Steve Moskalin.
The Militia Immaculata of Mary, Mother of God Parish hosted their annual Rosary Walk last Saturday, October 5. They met in the Saint Ita church parking lot after the 8 AM Mass and walked through the neighborhood offering prayers for our community. "The Militia of the Immaculata (MI) is a worldwide evangelization movement founded by St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917 that encourages total consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary as a means of spiritual renewal for individuals and society. The MI movement is open to all Catholics over 7 years old. It employs prayer as the main tool in the spiritual battle with evil. Members of the MI also immerse themselves in apostolic initiatives throughout society, either individually or in groups, to deepen the knowledge of the Gospel and our Catholic Faith and to spread devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary." -From the official website of the Militia of the Immaculata *Photos courtesy of parishioner Yasha Hookens
If you would like to share an announcement (i.e. funeral, Sacrament, anniversary, etc.) with the parish community, please email the parish office. Archives
October 2024