Regular Parish Meetings
Saint Ita church
- Becoming Catholic Group: Bi-weekly. Group one meets on Sundays at 3 PM in the rectory and group two meets on Mondays at 7 PM in the rectory (1220 W. Catalpa).
- Coffee Socials: Every first Sunday in Jubilee Hall (church basement) after 8:30 AM Mass, 10:30 AM Mass, 12:30 PM Misa.
- Cómo hacerse Católico: los domingos a las 1:45 PM en el sótano de la rectoría (1220 W. Catalpa).
- Crafting Group: First and third Saturday of the month at 11:30 AM in the rectory (1220 W. Catalpa).
- Estudio Bíblico: Los jueves a las 7 PM en el sótano de la rectoría (1220 W. Catalpa).
- Filipinos of Saint Ita: Committee meeting every first Saturday at 9 AM in the rectory (1220 W. Catalpa).
- Knights of Columbus: Every second Thursday at 7 PM in Jubilee Hall (church basement).
- Militia Immaculata: Every first Saturday of the month at 10 AM in the rectory (1220 W. Catalpa).
- New Day Grief Support Group: ON HIATUS – Every third Sunday from 11:30 AM - 1 PM in the rectory (1220 W. Catalpa).
- St. Rita Domestic Violence Awareness Group: Every other third Tuesday at 6:30-7:30 PM in the rectory (1220 W. Catalpa).
- St. Vincent de Paul Society: Two meetings per month – Third Tuesday of the month at 7 PM in Jubliee Hall (church basement). Second Sunday of the Month at 1:30pm meeting via Zoom. This includes a Spiritual reflection - Serving in Hope - and there is no need for registration. (Zoom Link) Topic: SVdP Serving in Hope
- Young Adult Group Pub Outing: Every fourth Sunday at 6:30 PM at Burke's Public House (5401 N. Broadway).
- Young Adult Group Game Night: Last Saturday of the month at 6:30 PM in the rectory (1220 W. Catalpa).
St. Thomas of Canterbury church
- Coffee Social: Every fourth Sunday in the soup kitchen (church basement) after 11:30 AM Mass.
- Eritrean Community: Mass celebrated in the Ge'ez Rite every first Sunday of the month at 3 PM. Youth Ministry every third Sunday of the month at 3 PM.
- Legion of Mary: Every Sunday at 10 AM in the church.
St. Gregory the Great church
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): Every Sunday from 10 AM - 12 PM in the Baseheart Room at the Monsignor Klasen Building (Memorial Gym) (1609 W. Gregory).
- Boy Scouts Troup #39: Every Monday at 6:30 PM during the school year except for holidays in the Parish Center (5545 N. Paulina). Boys from 11 through 17 are eligible to join. Interested girls in the same age range should have their parents attend a meeting and speak to one of the leaders.
- Charismatic Prayer Group: Every Wednesday at 6 PM at 2616 W. Peterson Ave. and every Sunday at 5 PM in the Baseheart Room at the Monsignor Klasen Building (Memorial Gym) (1609 W. Gregory).
- Coffee Social: Every fourth Sunday after 9:30 AM Mass in the old St. Gregory High School Cafeteria.
- Community Connections Group: Every third Sunday after the 9:30 AM Mass in the Parish Center (5545 N. Paulina)
- Filipinos of St. Gregory: Committee meeting every second Sunday after 9:30 AM Mass in the Parish Center (5545 N. Paulina).
- Parishioner-led Book Club: Every fourth Monday beginning at 6:30 PM at Parish Center (5545 N. Paulina).
- Secular Franciscans: Every second Sunday from 2-4 PM in the basement of the Monsignor Klasen Building (Memorial Gym) (1609 W. Gregory).