Join local photographer and parishioner, Dina Kwit, for this two-part cellphone photography workshop. We will dive into some of the settings on your smartphone that can enhance your ability to take great photos. You will also learn some of the basic principles of capturing unique photos. This is a two-part series that is both hands on and lecture. (Part 1: Tuesday, March 4 at 6:30 PM & Part 2: Tuesday, March 11 at 6:30 PM)
Want to attend? All you need is a smartphone and a desire to see things a bit differently. We hope to see you there! Calling all bakers! 🎂 The annual Mardi Gras Bake Sale is coming up soon on Sunday, March 2 and we are looking for donations. This is a great way for the whole family to support the parish. Bring your favorite baked good to the sale to help raise money for our faith community. 🧁 To signup to bring something to the bake sale, please call the parish office at 773-561-5343. ¡Llamamos a todos los panaderos! 🥧 La venta anual de pasteles de Mardi Gras se acerca en el 2 de marzo y estamos buscando donaciones. Esta es una excelente manera para que toda la familia apoye a la parroquia. Traiga su producto horneado favorito a la venta para ayudar a recaudar dinero para nuestra comunidad de fe. 🍩
Para inscribirse y traer algo a la venta de pasteles, llame a la oficina parroquial al 773-561-5343. Travel across the Mediterranean with our Pastor Fr. Alejandro Lopez and his confrère Fr. Paul Joseph Langevin. Follow in the footsteps of St. Paul, one of the greatest Christian missionary and evangelists. See the places where the first Christian communities came together to worship and live. Learn about the struggles and triumphs of the early church. Download the brochure below for more details! Register for the pilgrimage before April 1, 2025
The Vietnamese community of Mary, Mother of God Parish invites everyone to join them for Vietnamese Lunar New Year which will be celebrated on Sunday, February 2 at St. Thomas of Canterbury. Mass is at 8 AM with a reception to follow in the basement social hall of the church. The presider will be Fr. Bang Cong Tran, SVD and Fr. Alejandro and Fr. Thomas along with some other Vietnamese priests and deacon Jo. Thuan Than will be in attendance. Please join us for this wonderful celebration! La comunidad de Honduras invita a todos a celebrar a la Virgen de Suyapa el domingo 2 de febrero después de la misa de las 12:30 PM en la iglesia de St. Ita (5500 N. Broadway). ¡Habrá comida, música y festividades en Jubilee Hall! ![]() Ella es la Patrona de Honduras y su historia comenzó un sábado de febrero de 1747. Se cuenta que un campesino local, Alejandro Colindres, regresaba al pueblo de Suyapa después de un largo día de recolección de maíz. Al caer la noche, decidió pasar la noche cerca de un barranco. Cuando se acostó en el suelo, sintió un objeto duro debajo de él y lo arrojó lejos. Sin embargo, al acostarse nuevamente, descubrió que el objeto había regresado. Lo colocó en su bolsa y descubrió, por la mañana, que el objeto que había regresado a él no era una piedra, sino una pequeña imagen tallada de Nuestra Señora. La Virgen de Suyapa fue declarada Patrona de Honduras por el Papa Pío XI en 1925, y su festividad se fijó el 3 de febrero. El actual santuario de Nuestra Señora de Suyapa se encuentra en una zona humilde de la ciudad y cuenta con una gran cantidad de espacio para dar cabida a la multitud de peregrinos que visitan el santuario durante todo el año. Muchos miles de personas de toda Centroamérica peregrinan para visitar la imagen. The Honduras community invites everyone to celebrate the Virgin of Suyapa on Sunday, February 2 after the 12:30 PM Spanish Mass at St. Ita church (5500 N. Broadway). Food, music, and festivities will take place in Jubilee Hall after the Mass! ![]() La Virgen de Suyapa is the Patroness of Honduras, and her story began on a Saturday in February of 1747. It is told that a local peasant, Alejandro Colindres, was on his way back to the village of Suyapa after a long day of gathering corn. As night fell, he decided to spend the night near a ravine. When he laid down on the ground, he felt a hard object under him and tossed it far away. Upon lying down again, however, he found that the object had returned. He placed it into his bag and discovered, in the morning, that the object that had returned to him was not a stone, but rather a small carved image of Our Lady. The Virgin of Suyapa was declared the Patroness of Honduras by Pope Pius XI in 1925, and her feast day was set as February 3. The current sanctuary of Our Lady of Suyapa is in a humble part of the city and has a large amount of space to allow for the multitude of pilgrims who visit the shrine throughout the year. Many thousands of people from all over Central America make pilgrimages to visit the statue. El Señor de Esquipulas (El Cristo Negro de Esquipulas) es una imagen de madera oscurecida de Cristo consagrada en la Catedral Basílica de Esquipulas en Esquipulas, Guatemala. Es una de las imágenes cristológicas negras más famosas de América Latina. Esquipulas celebra su fiesta patronal el 15 de enero, cuando llegan muchos peregrinos desde Guatemala y los países vecinos de Centroamérica. Según los estudiosos, la imagen fue esculpida por un artista portugués en 1594 y, debido a los numerosos milagros que se le atribuyen, se ha convertido en un importante símbolo de la fe en Guatemala a lo largo de los siglos siguientes. El crucifijo y la devoción al mismo, conocido como el "Señor Milagroso de Esquipulas", han sobrevivido a décadas de agitación política. La comunidad guatemalteca de la parroquia María, Madre de Dios invita a todos a celebrar al Señor de Esquipulas el domingo 14 de enero en la misa de las 12:30 PM en la iglesia de Santa Ita (5500 N. Broadway). ¡La misa será seguida por una animada recepción en Jubilee Hall! ¡Mira las fotos de la celebración del año pasado en la galería al final de la página! Señor de Esquipulas (The Black Christ of Esquipulas) is a darkened wooden image of Christ enshrined within the Cathedral Basilica of Esquipulas in Esquipulas, Guatemala. It is one of the famed black Christological images of Latin America. Esquipulas holds its patronal festival on January 15, when many pilgrims come from Guatemala and neighboring central American countries. According to scholars, the image was sculpted by a Portuguese artist in 1594 and, because of the numerous miracles attributed to it, has become an important symbol of the faithand it has become an important symbol of the faith in Guatemala over the course of the following centuries. The crucifix and devotion to it, known as the "Miraculous Lord of Esquipulas,” have survived decades of the political turmoil. The Guatemalan community at Mary, Mother of God parish invites everyone to celebrate Señor de Esquipulas on Sunday, January 19 at the 12:30 PM Spanish Mass at St. Ita church (5500 N. Broadway). Mass will be followed by a lively reception in Jubilee Hall! Check out photos from last Year's Celebration!
If you would like to share an announcement (i.e. funeral, Sacrament, anniversary, etc.) with the parish community, please email the parish office. Archives
March 2025