Continue your preparations for Christmas by joining Mary, Mother of God Parish for the Filipino Advent tradition of Simbang Gabi! In the Philippines, Simbang Gabi is a celebration consisting of a nine-day series of early morning Masses to prepare for the birth of Christ on Christmas Day. Filipino immigrants have proudly introduced this beautiful tradition to the Church in the United States.
The parish will be hosting two nights of Simbang Gabi Masses followed by joyful receptions:
La novena de navidad tradicional o también llamada novena de aguinaldos es una celebración religiosa de la iglesia católica en Colombia, Ecuador y Venezuela, inicia el 13 de diciembre y termina el 21 de diciembre conmemorando el nacimiento del niño Jesús en el pesebre. Nuestra parroquia participará en una noche de novena el martes 17 de diciembre. ¡Únase a nosotros para este servicio de oración y la recepción completa posterior! The traditional Christmas novena or also called novena de aguinaldos is a religious celebration of the Catholic Church in Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, it begins on December 13 and ends on December 21 commemorating the birth of the baby Jesus in the manger. Our parish is participating in one night of the novena on Tuesday, December 17. Join us for this prayer service and the full reception afterwards!
Join the other Catholics in our Deanery (our geographic region in the Archdiocese of Chicago) for an Advent Reconciliation Service on Monday, December 16 at 7 PM at neighboring St. Gertrude Parish (1420 W. Granville). The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a wonderful way to deepen your preparation for the birth of Christ this Advent! There will be many priests speaking a variety of languages. Únase a los demás católicos de nuestro decanato (nuestra región geográfica en la Arquidiócesis de Chicago) para un Servicio de Reconciliación de Adviento el lunes 16 de diciembre a las 7 p. m. en la parroquia St. Gertrude (1420 W. Granville).
¡El Sacramento de la Reconciliación es una manera maravillosa de profundizar su preparación para el nacimiento de Cristo este Adviento! Habrá muchos sacerdotes presentes que hablarán una variedad de idiomas. Marian Advent Retreat & Art Workshop Saturday, December 14 | St. Gregory the Great church (5545 N. Paulina) Join us for a day of prayer, reflection, and creativity as we celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary. Deepen your observance of Advent by contemplating Mary's role in salvation history as the Mother of God.
Photos from the previous illumination workshop:The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is on Monday, December 9 (instead of the usual date of December 8). The Archdiocese of Chicago has dispensed Catholics from the obligation to attend Mass on this feast day in 2024 because of this unusual circumstance. At Mary, Mother of God Parish, we will only have our daily Masses: the 8:30 AM Mass at St. Thomas of Canterbury church (4827 N. Kenmore) and 5:30 PM Mass preceded by Exposition, evening prayer at 4:45 PM at St. Ita church (5500 N. Broadway). La Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción de María es el lunes, 9 de diciembre (en lugar de la fecha habitual del 8 de diciembre). La Archidiócesis de Chicago ha dispensado a los católicos de la obligación de asistir a Misa en esta festividad en 2024 debido a esta circunstancia inusual.
En la Parroquia María, Madre de Dios, tendremos nuestras Misas diarias: la Misa de las 8:30 AM en la iglesia de Santo Tomás de Canterbury (4827 N. Kenmore) y la Misa de las 5:30 PM precedida por la Exposición, oración de la tarde a las 4:45 PM en la iglesia de Santa Ita (5500 N. Broadway). Mark your calendars for December 3!Giving Tuesday (December 3) is a global movement of people using the individual power of generosity to support their communities. This year, we are focusing on our parish’s Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen. Over the last year, the Soup Kitchen has offered a warm meal and genuine fellowship to 11,858 guests and the Food Pantry has provided produce and pantry goods to 10,137 visitors. This outreach is critical for many of our neighbors who struggle getting the basic necessities. Giving Tuesday is your chance to make an impact. A donation of $50 can purchase 400 disposable bowls for hot soup. A donation of $100 can provide ten toiletry kits for women in need. A donation of $150 can supply twelve families with laundry detergent to clean their cloths and bedding. Every gift counts! You can write a check, give cash, if you are over 70 ½ give directly from your traditional IRA, or give online. Don’t let this opportunity to share your blessings pass you by. Join the surge of world-wide generosity and make a gift to our parish outreach ministries on December 3! And don't forget to tell your friends and family.
Learn more about our outreach ministries from the Fall 2024 newsletter. Office Schedule:November 27: Parish Offices Close at 3 PM - Thanksgiving Eve
November 28: Parish Offices Closed - Thanksgiving Day November 29: Parish Offices Closed - Day after Thanksgiving |
If you would like to share an announcement (i.e. funeral, Sacrament, anniversary, etc.) with the parish community, please email the parish office. Archives
February 2025