Mary, Mother of God Parish Finance Council Meeting Minutes for 01/26/2023 St. Ita Jubilee Hall – 7pm Attendance
Before meeting, Council members received agenda, minutes of the December meeting and financial statements and reports via email. The meeting began at 7:01pm with Father Bob leading us in prayer. Meeting Minutes John Kryl motioned to approve the minutes and was seconded by Magali Duvivier. The minutes were unanimously approved. Updates from Father Bob Conventual Franciscans own a basilica in Milwaukee. The new provincial assigned Fr. Bob there as rector. Fr. Alejandro Lopez will become the new pastor at Mary, Mother of God. He is currently the pastor of their most diverse parish in Australia. Fr. Bob will remain on the St. Gregory’s Hall board and will be here during Fr. Alejandro’s transition. The Director’s management committee is developing a pastor transition plan to ensure a smooth changeover. The team plans to meet every two weeks. Pastor terms last anywhere between 7 to 8 years, and Fr. Bob has been here for 7 years. Leaving is one of the hardest things a pastor confronts. A new pastor brings the opportunity for new leadership and vision, and now might be the best time for a change. Fr. Bob Sprott, OFM is part of SGH staff. The same number of friars and the staff will remain in place during this transition. Fr. Alejandro will be well cared for since we have a great staff, finance council and parish pastoral council. Financial Report July 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022 Operating Revenue and Expense Results
Operating and Extraordinary Revenue and Expense Results-Net Loss for the period totaled $80,152. Cash and Investments on Hand-$4,668,006. Long-Term Debt-None. Buildings and Grounds Report The SGG Gym project was completed. Heating-related issues at all our campuses:
The Building & Grounds subcommittee continues working with a small group of parishioners and staff on a plan for renovating Jubilee Hall. They are targeting June 2023 to complete a plan for proposal. Another Building & Grounds subcommittee is developing a plan for a preventative maintenance system. New bases are being built for the reconditioned bronze lanterns in front of St. Ita. The existing bases are not strong enough. Upcoming Projects: replacing the kitchen cabinets and counters in SGG Social Hall, installing panic bars on emergency door exits at all sites, replacing failed windows at the St. Ita rectory and sacristy, repairing SGG garage, roof repairs at all sites. Cultural Center Update
Stewardship Report The 2022 Annual Catholic Appeal (ACA) tripled the parish goal. Pledges totaled $152,000. $149,000 has been paid, which is 98% payment rate. We have received the first rebate of $58,000 and should receive another $40,000 rebate in March. The 2023 ACA is approaching. The parish goal is $56,800. The Christmas collection totaled $66,000. The second collection for outreach was approximately $300 per Mass. The Parish Fundraising Committee has started meeting, with the goal of developing short- and long-term fundraising strategies. Jeff Fizer is a recent addition to the committee. Old Business None. New Business An additional Finance Council meeting has been added for April 20 at 7pm. The meeting ended at 7:59 pm with Father Bob leading the council in prayer. Escenas de nuestras celebraciones del Señor de Esquipulas el 22 de enero. ¡Gracias a nuestra comunidad guatemalteca y a los voluntarios que contribuyeron a las festividades!
Scenes from Lunar New Year Mass and celebration at St. Thomas of Canterbury on January 22. Chúc Mừng Năm Mới !
Scenes from our parish Christmas Concert, with music from the music ministries of all our churches. Thank you so much to our singers and music directors!
Escenas de nuestro Concierto de Navidad parroquial, con música de los ministerios de música de todas nuestras iglesias. ¡Muchas gracias a nuestros cantantes y directores musicales! |
If you would like to share an announcement (i.e. funeral, Sacrament, anniversary, etc.) with the parish community, please email the parish office. Archives
February 2025