We wish a heart-felt congratulations to the students from the Religious Education Program and St. Thomas of Canterbury School who celebrated their Confirmations on Saturday, May 25 with Bishop Bartosic presiding. Thank you to the catechists and clergy who prepared the students for this foundational Sacrament. -------------------- Felicitamos de todo corazón a los alumnos de los programas de la Escuela Santo Tomás de Canterbury y la programa de Educación Religiosa que celebraron la Confirmación el 25 de mayo (presidida por el Obispo Bartosic). Gracias a los catequistas y al clero que prepararon a los estudiantes para estos sacramentos fundamentales. Holy Spirit, you are the giver of many gifts which God wants to give to each of us. Open the hearts and minds of those students who celebrated their Confirmation this year. A wonderful group of parishioners, community members, and new commers gathered on Pentecost Sunday for recital of classical piano. Pianist, parishioner, and Secular Franciscan Mark Lindeblad played works from Chopin, Brahms, Rachmaninoff, Beethoven, Bach, and Gershwin at St. Gregory the Great church. Afterwards, the Secular Franciscans hosted a reception in the Parish Center for all attendees.
Proceeds from a free-will offering and CD sales went to benefit St. Francis House Catholic Worker in Uptown. Thank you Mark for sharing your talent with us! We look forward to future concerts. On Saturday, May 19 Mary, Mother of God Parish celebrated Santacruzan! This Filipino celebration honors the Philippines' deep devotion to the Virgin Mary and commemorates the finding of the True Cross by St. Helena. This marked the 37th year Santacruzan has been hosted by the Filipinos of St. Gregory. (The first celebration took place in May 1988.) Mass began at 4:30 PM at St. Gregory the Great church which was followed by a neighborhood procession. The Reinas (Queens) and sagalas (other characters) like "Ave" and "Maria" and angels all played a special role in the festival. The procession ended at the Monsignor Klasen Building (Memorial Gym) which led right into a reception full of food, music, and dancing. Click "Read More" for the entire photo album! We are pleased to present you with the parish Outreach Newsletter. In the Spring 2024 issue, we say thank you to our interim Food Pantry Manager John Ceisel and welcome Br. Ayub Mwenda OFM, Conv. who has taken over the role. You can also see the number of individuals and households served the last five months by the Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry housed at St. Thomas of Canterbury church. How can you get involved...
![]() Thank you for your generous response to the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal. You’ve kept the parish tradition of giving going strong – we met our goal of $58,400! You’ve supported parishes and schools throughout the Archdiocese, helped people around the world through the humanitarian efforts of Catholic Relief Services, and supported ministries right here at Mary, Mother of God Parish. If you have already made a gift to the Appeal – thank you. If you haven’t – it’s never too late. There are envelopes available in the back of all the Churches; you can give electronically at annualcatholicappeal.com. You can call the parish office. Whatever is easiest for you. And since we’ve met our goal, the proceeds come back to our parish. Thank you for your support of the Annual Catholic Appeal. ![]() Gracias por su generosa respuesta a la Apelación Católica Anual 2024. Ustedes han mantenido fuerte la tradición parroquial de dar - ¡cumplimos nuestra meta de $58.400! Usted ha apoyado a las parroquias y escuelas de toda la Arquidiócesis, ha ayudado a personas de todo el mundo a través de los esfuerzos humanitarios de Catholic Relief Services, y ha apoyado a los ministerios aquí mismo, en la Parroquia María, Madre de Dios. Si usted ya ha hecho una donación a la Apelación - gracias. Si aún no lo ha hecho, nunca es demasiado tarde. Hay sobres disponibles en la parte de atrás de todas las Iglesias; usted puede dar electrónicamente en annualcatholicappeal.com. Puede llamar a la oficina parroquial. Lo que le resulte más fácil. Y como hemos alcanzado nuestro objetivo, lo recaudado vuelve a nuestra parroquia. Gracias por su apoyo a la Apelación Católica Anual. This past Sunday was the final day of our parish’s Mother’s Day novena. For the last nine days, the Mary, Mother of God Parish community has been praying for the mothers, grandmothers, godmothers, and mother figures in our lives. After Mass on the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord, we honored our mothers with roses. Check out these photos from at St. Thomas of Canterbury church! Prayer for All Mothers: Congratulations to the children from the Religious Education and Catechesis of the Good Shepard programs who celebrated First Holy Communion on Saturday, May 11. Let us pray for all the children who, for the first time, received the Lord Jesus in Holy Communion. May they always know the peace of Jesus, the light of His love, and the joy of His life within in them. |
If you would like to share an announcement (i.e. funeral, Sacrament, anniversary, etc.) with the parish community, please email the parish office. Archives
February 2025