Mary, Mother of God Parish Finance Council Meeting Minutes for 7/27/2023 St. Ita Jubilee Hall – 7pm Attendance
Council members received earlier via email the agenda, the minutes of the June meeting and the financial statements and reports. The meeting began at 7:01pm with Father Alejandro leading us in prayer. Meeting Minutes Don Haider made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Andrew Welling. The minutes were unanimously approved. Updates from Father Alejandro
Financial Report
Stewardship Report The 2023 Annual Catholic Appeal has almost tripled our goal for $56,000 with $152,708 pledged and $127,527 paid against those pledges. Outreach in May $9,019, June $9,364, and July $1,868. The Give Central contribution in June was $19,052 and in July to date $19,659. Give Central will now be moving to one account Mary, Mother of God. Tastes of Summer thus far has a total income of $18,000 but there are still expenses outstanding. Regardless, the event is projected to bring in $22,000. The fundraising committee has set a list of priorities:
Buildings and Grounds Report The capital projects projected total cost went from $148,000 to $200,000. Fewer projects under $10,000 which are not considered capital. Going forward in either January or February the B&G committee will meet to discuss what projects need to get done for the next fiscal year, so we have a sense of the carryover projects along with the new ones. Cultural Center Update Sarah Crow will be doing a church tour of St. Ita. In the Fall there will be a poetry session with Peter O’Leary. Also, Fr. Bob Sprott will have a session on the major works of Teresa of Avila. Scott Moringiello will also be teaching a course on the 20th century Catholic workers. School Update None Old Business None New Business The March 28 meeting will have to be moved since it falls on Holy Thursday. The Finance Council Committee has decided to implement a Food Pantry Task Force to handle the transition of Catholic Charities vacating St. Thomas. The meeting ended at 7:53pm with Father Alejandro leading the council in prayer. English Thank you to all of the vendors, performers, volunteers, and attendees who made Tastes of Summer 2023 possible! We could not put on this wonderful event without the help of our talented parishioners sharing their gifts with us. We sincerely thank all the parishioners of Mary, Mother of God parish and our neighbors who joined us! Congratulations to our prize winners!
Español ¡Gracias a todos los proveedores, artistas, voluntarios y asistentes que hicieron posible Tastes of Summer 2023! No podríamos organizar este maravilloso evento sin la ayuda de nuestros talentosos feligreses que comparten sus dones con nosotros. ¡Agradecemos sinceramente a todos los feligreses de la parroquia María, Madre de Dios y a nuestros vecinos que nos acompañaron! ¡Felicitaciones a nuestros ganadores de premios!
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