![]() Our Offices will be closed on July 4 in observance of Independence Day. There will only be 9am Mass at St. Ita and 8:30am Mass at St. Thomas of Canterbury. All-day Adoration at St. Thomas of Canterbury will be canceled. Nuestras Oficinas estarán cerradas el 4 de julio por El Día de la Independencia. Habrá solamente Misa de 9am en Santa Ita y 8:30am en Sto. Tomás de Canterbury. La Adoración de todo el día en Santo Tomás se cancelará. Mary, Mother of God Parish Finance Council Meeting Minutes for 6/22/23 St. Ita Jubilee Hall – 7pm Attendance
Council members received earlier via email the agenda, the minutes of the May meeting and the financial statements and reports. The meeting began at 7:01pm with Father Alejandro leading us in prayer. Meeting Minutes Jim Muss made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Magali Duvivier. The minutes were unanimously approved. Updates from Father Alejandro Father Alejandro is slowly making his way to all the churches and Masses. As well as starting to get familiar with parishioners. He understands that he does not need to be everywhere and does not need to do everything. Willing to take upon the guidance of all the committees. He is also preparing for Tastes of Summer. Additionally, Fr. Alejandro is looking for a replacement for Maggie, as she will be leaving in September to join the Franciscans of the Eucharist. There will be a reception for her at the end of the summer. Stephanie has been interning for Maggie since March of 2023. Stephanie has the experience and degree for the position. Thus far, he is enjoying the parish. Financial Report July 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023
Stewardship Report The parish census has been submitted for review to the Parish Pastoral Council. Also, in the works are the QR codes for Give Central. Planning to do sign-up events at all churches, especially at Tastes of Summer. Buildings and Grounds Report At Saint Ita:
Cultural Center Update St. Gregory’s Hall is working on its programs and fundraising. School Report There are 131 students in summer school; all staff are being paid by outside sources. Old Business None New Business Next meeting July 27. Upcoming meetings for the new fiscal year: September 28, October 19, November 30, January 25, March 28, May 30, June 27 and July 25. The meeting ended at 7:55 pm with Father Alejandro leading the council in prayer. Mary, Mother of God Parish Pastoral Council Minutes June 15, 2023, 7:00 p.m. Present: Frank Ativie, Lucy and Maria Cordon, Kokou Dagawa, Eunice Daniels, Mark Franzen, Stephanie Held, Yasha Hookens, Robert Krug, Fr. Alejandro Lopez, Heberto Machado, Jr., Michael Magada, Fr. Romert Morales, James Murphy, Lorena Nava, Eva Niewiadomski, Lionel Osaghae, Joyce Ramirez-Knight, Susan Silvano, Deacon Paul Spalla, Fr. Bob Sprott, John Stimler, Deacon Bede Thigpen, and Friar Jason Warrer.
Not present: Soledad Andrade, Ms. Christine Boyd, Fr. Thomas Fetz, Chris Grant, Peter Jansen, Pat Kenny, Greg Lindeman, Mercedes MacLaughlin, Deacon Juan Ramirez, Vince Singvongsa, Deacon Ron Stricker, and Diane Trinh. Minutes from the 02/16/2023 meeting were approved through a first motion from Robert Krug, followed by a second motion from Michael Magada. On Sunday, June 11 (Corpus Christi), we had a formal blessing for Solidarity Gardens at St. Thomas of Canterbury - and some of our neighbors asked for blessings of their gardens as well!
Solidarity Gardens is a collaboration of Mary, Mother of God parish churches and St. Francis Catholic Worker. We are gardening together in our community to provide food for our Soup Kitchen, Food Pantry, and people in our neighborhoods in need. Parish communities can be creative communities. Our Eucharistic faith calls us to make the land fruitful and offer our gifts to God. In Laudato Si’, Pope Francis draws our attention to the concept of Integral Ecology– the idea that the health of our church and community depends on the health of the land around us. If you are interested in gardening, have experience (or none!), have always wanted to garden, like being outside then we're looking for you! Contact James Murphy at [email protected] with questions and to get involved. |
If you would like to share an announcement (i.e. funeral, Sacrament, anniversary, etc.) with the parish community, please email the parish office. Archives
February 2025