Saturday, May 11Mariam Dearit - St. Thomas of Canterbury church Catholics in Eritrea (East Africa) venerate Our Lady with a major festival at the end of the month of May and we continued that tradition here in Chicago. On May 11, the Eritrean community hosted a celebration in honor of Mariam Dearit, a statue of the Virgin Mary that has resided inside a trunk of an ancient baobab tree for centuries. Festivities started at 11 AM with Mass in the Ge’ze Rite followed by a Marian procession. Then everyone went to the basement space for a celebratory reception. *Photos courtesy photography team volunteer Wes Kinard
Sunday, May 128 AM Mass - St. Thomas of Canterbury church The Vietnamese community incorporates a May Crowning into every 8 AM Mass during the month of May. Before Mass, parishioners line up to offer flowers to Mother Mary and then they crown the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. *Photos courtesy Francis Khuc Sunday, May 129:30 AM Mass - St. Gregory the Great church First Communion students from the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program crowned Mary at the conclusion of the Mass while Fr. Thomas said the special blessing. *Photos courtesy Mark Franzen Sunday, May 1911:30 AM Mass - St. Thomas of Canterbury church The Legion of Mary sponsored the May Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary following the 11:30 AM Mass. Fr. Paul, OFM Conv. celebrated Mass and gave the blessing outside in the Grotto of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. *Photos courtesy Bridget Essi, Joan Mikol, & photography team volunteer Dina Kwit Comments are closed.
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February 2025