Mary, Mother of God Parish Finance Council Meeting Minutes for 03/23/2023 St. Ita Jubilee Hall – 7pm Attendance
Council members received the minutes of the December meeting and the financial statements and reports earlier via email, as well as the agenda. The meeting began at 7:05pm with Father Bob leading us in prayer. Meeting Minutes Andrew Welling made a motion to approve the minutes which was seconded by Carol Hanson. The minutes were unanimously approved. Updates from Father Bob The directors are continuing to meet regularly to ensure a smooth transition to the new pastor. A solution for the 4:30pm Mass at St. Gregory has been reached. The Ordinariate should hear from the Cardinal this month to see if they can use St. Gregory Church. If it is a go, we would consider adding a second Mass on Sunday at 12:30pm. St. Gregory’s Hall is thinking of developing a Catholic culture experience supplement for the Catholic schools. This will enable SGH to be of service to a larger community. SGH is exploring starting a program this summer (5 days to start) to take place during the day. The focus will be more cultural, less sacramental, and it will help build relationships with schools. We will also be taking in an intern to help with SGH & parish communications. Fr. Alejandro’s first official day will be May 8th. Financial Report July 1, 2022, through February 28, 2023
Buildings and Grounds Report There have been heating-related issues at all our campuses.
At Saint Ita:
At St. Gregory:
At St. Thomas:
For the 2023/2024 projects, the rectory/sacristy window project will be more expensive than anticipated. Cultural Center Update
The fundraising committee met. Our fundraising events are not significant fundraisers. They are pursuing other ideas such as holding one large fundraiser to celebrate the top 10 givers, with a catered dinner in the rectory. Another idea is to do an annual giving appeal. Old Business None. New Business None. The meeting ended at 8:05 pm with Father Bob leading the council in prayer. Comments are closed.
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February 2025