Mary, Mother of God Parish Finance Council Meeting Minutes for 10/19/23 Saint Ita Rectory Basement – 7 PM Attendance
Council members received earlier via email the agenda, the minutes of the September meeting, and the financial statements and reports. The meeting began at 7:03pm with Father Alejandro leading us in prayer. Meeting Minutes John Kryl made a motion to approve the minutes, seconded by Magali Duvivier. The minutes were unanimously approved. Updates from Father Alejandro At a town hall meeting at St. Thomas of Canterbury, a proposal to install a fence outside the church faced mixed reactions due to the presence of homeless individuals, particularly Priscilla, who needs help. A plan for how to handle her going forward will be developed. The staff attended the Archdiocese’s second (and last) emergency operations planning meeting. A detailed plan still needs to be developed. Father is looking to engage outside assistance in completing this project given the number of campuses and the size of parish operations. Financial Report
No August and September financial reports. They are nearly complete, with packages expected in mid-November, well before the next Finance Council meeting. Food Pantry John Ciesel has successfully transitioned into the Food Pantry, and we are seeking a permanent leader to manage the Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen. The task force will meet to finalize the job description and determine the candidate search process. Buildings and Grounds Report Last week, capital project planning for 2024/2025 was discussed. Maintenance is working to resolve issues with heating systems. Internet upgrades at all campus locations have been completed. Exterior projects are being completed before wintry weather sets in. The architect for Jubilee Hall has finalized designs, and contractors are being sought for bids and walk-throughs. The project will be funded by TTWCI capital campaign donations and from the Building Fund. Bill Sullivan and staff found a preventative maintenance program for $16 a month, which will be investigated further. St. Gregory’s Hall Update The Hall faced a $100,000 deficit in 2023 but is working on building a portfolio to reduce that amount in half. $26,000 has been received for the Hall and Canterbury House and potential donors are being targeted for an additional $20,000. The Hall is also establishing programming and building relationships with several foundations. Stewardship Report The 2023 Annual Catholic Appeal has received a generous response from parish family and friends, with 329 donors, and nearly tripled the goal of $56,000. Outreach funds received in August were $8,910 and $4,743S in September. Give Central's contributions have declined, with August contributions being $22,442 and September's $18,831. The Fundraising Strategy Committee has not had the opportunity to meet in recent months. All three worship sites participated in Open House Chicago, with 1,345 people attending in total. The Chili Cook-Off at St. Ita's Jubilee Hall is on Saturday, October 21st. Old Business None New Business A Blue Mass for first responders is in the works for a Saturday at 5:30pm. Ed Stranc suggests a signed Mass for hearing impaired and deaf individuals. Fr. Alejandro is working on moving his parents to Chicago. A new friar, Fr. Simon from Kenya, will be assisting with Masses. Jim Muss will step down from the committee due to health issues. The meeting ended at 7:47pm with Father Alejandro leading a closing prayer. Comments are closed.
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September 2024