Mary, Mother of God Parish Finance Council Meeting Minutes for 04/20/2023 St. Ita Jubilee Hall – 7pm Attendance
Council members received the minutes of the March meeting and the financial statements and reports earlier via email the agenda. The meeting began at 7:00pm with Father Bob leading us in prayer. Meeting Minutes
Jim Muss made a motion to approve the minutes which was seconded by Don Haider. The minutes were unanimously approved. Updates from Father Bob
Financial Report July 1, 2022, through March 31, 2023
FY 24 Budget The projected budget operating loss is approximately 400,000 (without the benefit or Net Fundraising Income and Interest & Investment Income included in the draft). Considerable discussion took place involving all members of the Council regarding how best to present the FY24 budget, including how to share it with parishioners. Much discussion surrounded the progress made by the Fundraising Strategy committee and the need to reallocate funds held at the Arch Bank into higher yielding products. Stuart and Yasmin will continue finetuning the budget and include Other Income and Expense items that are regularly seen from year-to-year, so the Finance Council has a broader financial picture. Buildings and Grounds Report At Saint Ita:
11 projects were presented for FY24. The Finance Council approved an amount totaling $148,500 to fund those projects. Cultural Center Update
Stewardship Report The fundraising committee met. Our fundraising events are not significant fundraisers. Some ways we can fill the gap for our budget deficit:
Old Business None. New Business The May 25th meeting has been moved to May 11th The meeting ended at 8:07 pm with Father Bob leading the council in prayer. Comments are closed.
If you would like to share an announcement (i.e. funeral, Sacrament, anniversary, etc.) with the parish community, please email the parish office. Archives
February 2025