On Saturday, March 9 parishioners and visitors participated in the Lenten Retreat hosted by our cultural center, St. Gregory’s Hall. At 9 AM, participants came to St. Gregory the Great church for a spiritual conference with Byzantine Catholic priest and iconographer Fr. Thomas Loya. Fr. Loya offered reflections on the spiritual and theological use of sacred images in prayer and liturgy with special focus on how “Christ the Bridegroom” can aid us in our Lenten journey. Afterwards, there was a light reception. Starting at 11 AM, participants joined artist-in-residence Sarah Crow for an icon workshop. They created their own icon of Christ the Bridegroom in an environment of prayerful reflection, entering deeper into the mystery of Christ's passion. In the Eastern Catholic tradition, this icon is present near the table where the Eucharistic gifts are prepared during Mass. It reminds us of all the things Christ gave to us as his beloved. He is the bridegroom that suffered humiliation, torture, and death for his bride the Church. Look below to see photos of the retreat courtesy of Damian Chlanda. Part 1: Spiritual ConferencePart 2: Icon WorkshopFinished IconsComments are closed.
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February 2025